Last week was mixed for me. I am still doing well with my workout routine, but I've really struggled with food choices. I'm feeling very sluggish and I know it's because I'm eating too much sugar. My carb/fat/protein ratio has been off kilter for a few weeks and I haven't been able to get back on track. I'm eating too many's those damned Cadbury Eggs!! I've told myself that the sugar splurges are okay because
I'm stressed, but frankly, that's bullshit. I know I need to manage stress with exercise and just have to hold myself accountable.
This week, I plan to lower my calorie target a bit. I need to show myself that I have some self control. I can stick to a calorie goal, whereas it's hard for me to cut out something specific. With less calories,I'm forced to focus on eating healthy, whole foods and I tend to avoid junk. Hopefully this approach will work for me. Most of the dinners I've planned for the week include chicken. My plan is to make enough to take some chicken to work for lunch each day. I assume that if I eat ,ore protein at lunch, I won't want chocolate at 3pm. :)
As for workouts, I have the following planned:
Monday: Cardio (3miles) and #plankaday
Tuesday: Pure Barre (I've found it to be a great workout and I'm so sore after!). We plank in class, so it also meets my #plankaday goal.
Wednesday: Cardio (2-3 miles), #plankaday, and push-ups for the 100 push-up challenge
Thursday: rest
Friday: push-ups for the 100 push-up challenge and #plankaday
Saturday: Cardio (Tae Bo?) and #plankaday
Sunday: push-ups for the 100 push-up challenge and #plankaday
This should be my last week of the push-up challenge...I'm excited to see how many I can do at the end of it. More to come on that next week. I'm also very focused on water intake. I do really well with the #64ozchallenge during the weekdays, but I've been struggling on the weekends. I just need to be more conscious of it.
What do you have planned? Have a great week, ladies!